SEO, Ad, Marketing Non-Guarantee Policy
No one company nor person can guarantee Market Trends / Economy Trends will result in the exact expectations desired. SEO does not always guarantee Placement on a search engine highest ranked result. SEO is a complex set of interactions and method which dynamically change with the policies of Search Engines, Social Media & Directories. The best method of SEO is always Organic as in the sense it gives your web site the ability to interact with Search Engines and their ever-changing Dynamic Algorithm based approach. Google Adwords & paid Advertising with Search Engines yields results with the theory the more you spend the better your ad placement, as this being true to some degree will never guarantee desired optimal placement. We work very closely with the Search Engines on a daily basis to ensure we have the most up to date most adequate knowledge in providing you with the best return possible for your investment.
Our company charges a fee to provide a service to interact and use our knowledge and experience, we also charge for the budgeted amount that we pay for the ad placement.
No Refunds can be given for undesired results with driving traffic or even commerce to your web site.